The Japanese McDonalds 2010 Pokémon Calendar has broken the record for the most calendars sold in its year! Over the year it sold 1,476,442 calendars. It's kinda cool that I own one of those million!
Some more fun Pokémon factoids:
Pokémon is the first video game to have a theme park made after it!
Currently Pokémon Diamond and Pearl is the best selling DS RPG, selling 12.1 million units. I'm curious to see if this record will stand once Black and White is released world wide.
Lisa Courtney is the record holder for the largest Pokémon memorabilia collection. Her collection contains (at the time she received the record) 12,113 separate items.
Pokémon Black and White became the fastest selling Japanese video game of all time. In 2 days it sold 2.6 million units
In December 2009 around 100 000 Facebook users took part in "Make Your Profile Picture a Pokémon Month"
Last Edit: Nov 26, 2010 1:57:53 GMT -5 by bluekoinu
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. =^-^=